Ryan Family Center for Global Primary Care

Ensuring quality primary care delivery is critical to the global efforts to reduce preventable suffering, but major gaps exist in knowing how to organize, support and deliver care to reach everyone everywhere. The Ryan Family Center for Global Primary Care is uniquely designed to better understand and address these knowledge gaps through research, education, training and collaboration with our partners globally and here in Chicago. ”
Quality primary care provides the critical infrastructure needed to anchor all effective health systems. Improving global health on a large scale simply has to start here.”

Investing in the education and training of future healthcare leaders is crucial for strengthening engagement in primary care on both a local and global scale. The Ryan Family Center for Global Primary Care strives to support students, residents, and faculty while fostering cultural awareness, emphasizing public health and research skills, and cultivating an understanding of the values and approaches to prepare professionals to provide care in resource-limited settings.”
Primary care offers a prime opportunity for the integration of health services. Focusing on implementation of evidence-based practices in these settings will increase reach and help improve global health”

Global health education and experience for trainees can improve cultural competency, rapport, and empathy towards patients. Additionally, it allows trainees to learn new approaches to providing care and share ideas that lay the foundation for future global health collaboration”
Mission Statement
Our mission is to improve Global Primary Health Care quality, access, and impact through partnerships and innovations in research, education and service. As defined by the World Health Organization, primary health care is people-focused, rather than disease-focused, care that includes health promotion, disease prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and palliative care.
We work to establish and strengthen partnerships for research, training and capacity-building between Northwestern and institutions in other countries. Our vision is to work across institutions and communities to strengthen global primary care strategies, delivery and research to ensure effective care and achieve quality Universal Health Care for all.
Featured Projects
- Age-Friendly Services for Older Adults: Assessing the Implementation in Primary Health Care Centres in Lagos, Nigeria
- Age-friendly Primary Health Care for Older Adults: Selecting and Co-designing Priority Interventions for facilities in Lagos, Nigeria
- Implementation and Effectiveness of Community Health Extension Worker-Led Health Coaching and Home Blood Pressure Monitoring on Hypertension Control Among High-Risk Individuals with Uncontrolled Hypertension in Nigeria
- The Effectiveness of Training Healthcare Providers on the Integration of Adolescent- & Youth-Friendly Health Services in PHCs in Ogun State
- Using Systems Modeling to Improve Retention in Care for Hypertensive Patients in Primary Care Settings in Nigeria
Central America
- Chronic, Non-Communicable Disease in the Dominican Republic
- Point of Care Hemoglobin A1c for Diabetes Assessment at Hillside Healthcare International Clinic
- PrimaryCare for Key Populations in the Dominican Republic
- Point of Care Ultrasound for Detection of Pneumonia at Hillside Healthcare International Clinic
- Collaborative Design of effective type II Diabetes Care Interventions for the Primary level: An Exploratory Phase in Mendoza, Argentina
Funding Opportunities for Faculty
Research Catalyzer Funding: Primary Care
The Havey Institute for Global Health is pleased to share this call for applications to supporting member faculty research projects focused on improving Primary Care services and systems throughout the world.
Project Award Funding: Primary Care
The Havey Institute for Global Health is pleased to offer support to affiliated Northwestern faculty for projects focused on improving Primary Care services and systems throughout the world.