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Primary Care Quality Improvement Transformation for Private Health Sector in Liberia

Snapper Hill Clinic is a private health center in Liberia that provides primary care services for ~30,000 patients annually. With support from the Havey Institute for Global Health, the clinic aims to raise awareness on the COVID-19 infection and prevention control measures, as well as invest in a telehealth system that will ensure the clinic continues to deliver care with limited expose to the virus. To implement this plan, Snapper Hill has partnered with the Healthcare Federation of Liberia (HFL) to lead the HFL COVID-19 Response Team to expedite detection, reduce transmission of the disease and manage the inevitable case overflows.

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Meet the PI

Kara PalamountainKara Palamountain, MBA
Research Associate Professor, Kellogg





becca-kirby_headshot.jpegBecca Kirby, MBA
Research Assistant Professor Kellogg’s Sustainability and Social Impact Program
Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University

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