Our specialized centers and programs bring together experts from across a variety of disciplines to address the major challenges of our broad field.

Buehler Center for Health Policy & Economics
Amplifying the institute's mission to foster healthy populations, promote health security, and lead in public health science and practice globally through policy.

Center for Global Cardiovascular Health
We seek to improve global cardiovascular health and healthcare across the spectrum of disease prevention.

Center for Global Communicable & Emerging Infectious Diseases
We research and investigate the pressing challenges related to communicable diseases such as malaria, tuberculosis and HIV, as well as global emerging infectious diseases.

Center for Global Health Education
Through training at every level, we aim to create knowledge, capacity and equity in global health through partnerships in transdisciplinary education at Northwestern and across the globe.

Center for Global Oncology
Over 80 percent of cancer deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries. We look to bring cancer education, research and treatment to underserved areas.

Center for Global Pediatric Health
We strive to create a community of faculty and trainees dedicated to improving global child health and promoting global pediatric health equity.

Center for Global Surgery
We aim to improve access to essential surgical care by addressing the barriers to care through innovation, research, education, policy, advocacy, by training the next generation of global health leaders and building sustainable capacity in regions with health inequities.

Center for Innovation in Global Health Technologies
We seek not merely to develop, but bring to market comprehensive, context-appropriate healthcare solutions that integrate seamlessly with the lives of patients and medical practitioners in the developing world.

Center for Pathogen Genomics & Microbial Evolution
We look to provide specialized expertise in pathogen-specific sequence analysis and bioinformatics for emerging and ongoing infectious disease threats.

Ryan Family Center for Global Primary Care
We aim to strengthen the global and local effort to improve global primary health care quality, access and impact through partnerships and innovations in research, education and service.