Ryan Family Center for Global Primary Care
Below is a list of all Ryan Family Center for Global Primary Care members. View individual profiles of our faculty members — with publication and contact information, research and clinical specialties and more — via the links below.
Baldridge, Abigail S
Research Assistant Professor, Surgery
Gill, Manjot K
Professor, Ophthalmology, Medical Education
Lumati, Juliet S
Assistant Professor, Surgery (Surgical Oncology)
Mohanty, Nivedita
Clinical Associate Professor, Pediatrics (Community Based Primary Care)
Montalto, Gregg J
Associate Professor, Pediatrics (Adolescent and Young Adult Medicine)
Owen, Joshua M
Clinical Assistant Professor, Medicine (General Internal Medicine)
Parker, John James F
Assistant Professor, Pediatrics (Advanced General Pediatrics and Primary Care), Medicine (General Internal Medicine)
Steker, Danielle L
Assistant Professor, Medicine (Hospital Medicine)
Van Pelt, Amelia E
Assistant Professor, Medical Social Sciences (Implementation Science)
Walsh-Bailey, Callie L
Assistant Professor, Medical Social Sciences (Implementation Science)