The Center for Global Pediatric Health is dedicated to training the next generation of pediatric leaders through impactful, immersive international experiences. Currently, we're facilitating a bidirectional, educational exchange between pediatric residents from Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago and Bugando Medical Center in Mwanza, Tanzania, and we also support a Lurie Children's trainee experience at Centro Medico Susan Hou in Los Palacios, Bolivia. We invite eligible pediatric residents and fellows to participate.
Find more global health education opportunities, visit our Global Health Clinical Scholars page or our funding section to learn about global health experiencing funding for McGaw residents.
Current Programs
Support for Pediatric Short-Term Experiences in Global Health
Educational scaffolding for Bugando Medical Center Pediatric Residents rotating at Lurie Children's and for Lurie Children's trainees rotating at Bugando Medical Center in Tanzania and Centro Medico Susan Hou in Bolivia.
- Co-Leads: Kristin Van Genderen, MD, Elizabeth Groothuis, MD, Colleen Fant, MD, MPH
- Project Period: Ongoing annually
Focused Pediatric Echocardiogram Training at Bugando Medical Center, Mwanza, Tanzania
- Co-PIs: Angira Patel, MD, Shivani Patel, MD
- Project Coordinator: Colleen Fant, MD, MPH
- Project Period: 2023–2025
Trauma Care at Bugando Medical Center, Mwanza, Tanzania
- PI: Colleen Fant, MD, MPH
- Project Period: 2022–2023
Past Programs
Point-of-Care Ultrasound Detection of Pneumonia at Hillside Healthcare International Clinic, Southern Belize
- PI: Anita Muyle, MD
- Content Expert: Colleen Fant, MD, MPH
- Project Period: 2021–2022
Developing and Implementing Pediatric Emergency Medicine Simulation Program, Maseno University, Kenya
- PI: Colleen Fant, MD, MPH
- Project Period 2019–2021
Pediatric Point-of-Care Ultrasound in Tanzania
- PI: Colleen Fant, MD, MPH
- Project Period: 2019–2020