Hepatitis B Network Addresses Research Gaps in Sub-Saharan Africa

Kate Klein, administrative director at the Robert J. Havey, MD Institute for Global Health, is mentoring three International University Administrators Support Program (UASP) fellows.
The program is administered by the International Research & Exchanges Board (IREX) and funded by the Carnegie Foundation. The fellows, from Makerere University in Uganda, Kwame Nkurmah University of Science & Technology in Ghana, and the University of Tanzania, will be at Northwestern through March to work on implementation plans to better manage research administration at their universities. The group hopes to learn from their experience at Northwestern University to build skills in areas of strategic management, communications, data management, and capacity building for junior research administrators.
UASP Fellows at the Havey Institute for Global Health offices: (L-R) Pascahl Mdukula, administrative director Kate Klein, Antonia Nakimera, Hannah Adom Eyison
Hannah Adom Eyison is a grants and research manager at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana. She is a professional planner by training with over 15 years’ experience in planning and coordinating multifaceted donor funded research projects in the private and public sectors. She is passionate about developing systems, structures, and policies that enhance research productivity and impact.
Pascahl Mdukula has a PhD in Linguistics and Communication from the University of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania. He has been teaching and researching in the university for over 14 years. His research interests focus on linguistic landscape, visual communication, and strategic and corporate communications. He is the current coordinator of Postgraduate, Research and Publication in the Centre for Communication Studies where he is responsible for coordinating postgraduate studies and managing research grants and publications activities as well as collaborations.
Professor Sylvia Antonia Nakimera Nannyonga-Tamusuza is a professor of Music (Ethnomusicology) with a teaching, research, and student supervision career that spanned almost 30 years at Makerere University. Nakimera has had several collaborative research engagements within Uganda and internationally. She currently holds the position of Head of the Grants Administration and Management Support Unit, overseeing the administration and management of all grants at Makerere University.
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